Keeping Huron County Clean and Green

Household Hazardous Waste:
The average American home is full of potentially hazardous wastes such as pesticides, paint thinner, oven cleaner, floor polish and ant killer. These materials are considered hazardous because they are ignitable, corrosive, explosive or toxic.
Although the storage and disposal of household hazardous waste (HHW) is not regulated like industrial hazardous waste, it is still important to use, store and dispose of HHW carefully. It can be poisonous to animals and people or pollute the environment if poured down a sewer or on the ground. Even stored in our homes HHW may be a fire hazard. Disposing of it is difficult because many HHW products are liquids that are not accepted at the landfill.
Suggestions for Disposal:
The best way to dispose of HHW is to use it all up as it was intended. Cleaning products, paints and garden products are easy to dispose of this way. If you can’t use it, try to find someone who can. Next time you purchase a potentially hazardous household product, buy the smallest amount you can to get the job done. Read labels for disposal instructions or for more information. Consider a non-toxic alternative.
We accept rechargeable batteries from power tools as well as cell phone batteries at our office on
180 Milan Ave. Norwalk OH from 7:30-4:00 Monday-Friday.
Where to Dispose of Hazardous Waste:
*Make sure to call ahead to these locations and confirm that these materials are still being accepted.
Bob’s Auto Wrecking and Recovery Inc.
12602 St. Rt. 13
Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs:
1101 Lakecrest Pkwy
Home Depot
715 Crossings Rd.
5500 Milan Rd.
Motor Oil/Fluid
Advanced Auto Parts
225 Milan Ave.
340 Westwind Dr.
O’Reilly Auto Parts
130 Milan Ave
345 E. Walton St.
196 Milan Ave.
7 Walton St.
Oil Filters
Oil filters are made from either “terne” or “non-terne” plated metals. Terne plated filters are made from a mixture of tin and lead and considered hazardous waste. They cannot be land filled. In 1993, manufacturers agreed to eliminate lead from the production of oil filters, however, some companies may not have implemented those changes. “Non-terne” plated used oil filters are lead free and not considered hazardous waste. That is, if all the oil is drained from them. Read the label before you purchase an oil filter to make sure it is “NON-TERNE” or lead free.
The Ohio EPA recommends recycling non-terne filters, however, once the oil is drained, the filter is considered municipal solid waste and can be land filled. The filter should be removed from a warm engine and drained immediately. There are three suggested methods for draining: Gravity Draining: Place the filter gasket side down in a drain pan. If the filter has an anti-drain valve, puncture the dome end with a screw driver and allow to drain for 12 to 14 hours; Crushing: Crush the filter with a vice or hydraulic device to squeeze out all the oil. Compact the remaining filter materials. Disassembly: Separate the filter into its parts. This allows the oil to drain from the filter. The metal parts can be recycled.
Latex Paint
May be disposed if it is allowed to dry. Remove the lid and place the can in an area away from children and animals. Occasionally break the “skin” that forms on the top as it dries. Or stir in enough plaster of paris, cat litter or oil absorbent to harden the paint. Latex paint may also be dried by pouring a little at a time into a cardboard box filled with layers of newspaper, sawdust or cat litter. When dry, the box and empty can may be disposed in the trash.
Oil Based Paints
In small amounts (one inch or less) may be hardened. Mix sawdust or cat litter into paint and allow to air dry in a well-ventilated area. Once paint is dried and hardened, wrap paint can in several layers of newspaper and dispose in the trash. Oil-based paints include enamel, varnish, shellac, lacquer, stain and sealer.
Aerosol Paints
Outdoors, spray the contents of the can into a cardboard box and let dry. Be sure to stay away from hot surfaces, open flames, flower and vegetable gardens. Do not inhale the vapors. Discard the dried painted box and empty can in the trash.
Such as paint thinner; turpentine and mineral spirits should never be poured down a drain or storm sewer. Let these products sit in a closed container until the paint particles settle out. Then pour off the clear liquid which can be reused. Add sawdust or cat litter to the residue. Let it dry completely before disposing in the trash.