Keeping Huron County Clean and Green

Starting May 1, 2023 there will be a new rate at the transfer station. The fee will now be $65.00/ton and the minimum waste charge will be (625 lbs or less) and is now $20.00.
The goal of the Huron County Solid Waste Management District is to maintain, coordinate, monitor, and develop implementation of the Huron County Solid Waste Management Plan. The goal is achieved by providing environmental education, recycling opportunities, source reduction, litter prevention, and natural resource conservation to the residents of Huron County.
The Huron County Landfill ceased landfill operations in the late 1990’s, but the site is still active as a transfer station. The Huron County Transfer Station manages an average of 42,000 tons of solid waste per year plan. The landfill property extends to approximately 263 acres, of which only 17 acres were used for landfill operations. In 2020, the transfer station received 42,868 tons of solid waste, of which 36,793 tons were “general” (a mix of residential, commercial, and industrial refuse, received from haulers and municipalities), 5,375 tons were hauled in directly from industrial users.
Based on the Huron County Solid Waste Management 2020 Annual District Report, Huron County residents and commercial businesses recycled/reduced 8,912 tons of recyclable material. Additionally, industrial or manufacturing faculties recycled 56,679 tons of material. The three largest products recycled in Huron County are paper, metal and cardboard.